KETEBE Hat Sanatı, Ünlü Hattatlar, Hat Sanatkârları ve Eserleri
KETEBE Hat Sanatı, Ünlü Hattatlar, Hat Sanatkârları ve Eserleri

Mehdi Rezoug

Birth Date H. 1406-1407
M. 1986
Birth Place Sidi Bel Abbes/Cezayir


About Artist

 Mehdi Rezoug was born on September 10, 1986 in Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria. After completing his primary education in Algeria, he relocated to Turkey and began studying rika with Hüseyin Oksüz. 

 He studied Cinema and Television at the Faculty of Communication Sciences at Anadolu University. He then returned to Algeria and began working as a translator. He worked as a French translator for a Burkina Faso-based humanitarian aid organization and as the training coordinator for a Habitat and UNHCR-led civil society project in Turkey. In addition, he provided translation and editing services for Al Jazeera Documentary and TRT Arabic television productions. 

 In addition to his translation activities in Arabic, French, and English, he is still taking thuluth and jali thuluth lessons from Abdurrahman Depeler.



Huseyin Oksuz
Abdurrahman Depeler
