KETEBE Hat Sanatı, Ünlü Hattatlar, Hat Sanatkârları ve Eserleri
KETEBE Hat Sanatı, Ünlü Hattatlar, Hat Sanatkârları ve Eserleri

INSTAGRAM SERGİSİ (5. Uluslararası Albaraka Hat Yarışması 'DUA')

Düzenleyen : Albaraka Sanat
Ne Zaman? 28.04.2020


5. Uluslararasi Albaraka Hat Yarismasinda dua ayetleri, hadisleri ve siirleri Hüsn-i Hat ile yazildi.

Dua, “çagirmak, seslenmek, hitâb etmek” anlamina gelir. Dua, her isin basinda, gündüz ve gecede, iyi ve kötü günde Müslüman hayatinin kalbindedir.
Kisi dua ile Hakk’a niyaz eder. Dua kisiyi kul eyler.

Kur’an-i Kerim dua ile baslar. Rahmet peygamberi Hz.Muhammed (s.a.s)’in hayatinda hayrin, hizmetin ve tevhide ermenin yolu, ibadetin özü olan dua iledir.
Türkiye, Suriye, Irak, Iran, Misir, Filistin, Endonezya ve BAE’nden sanatçilarin yarismada ödüle layik görülen eserlerinden olusan bu sergi, duanin sanatla ifade edilmis halini instagram hikayeleriyle sunuyor.

Verses of the Holy Qur’an, hadiths of the Prophet (pbuh) and literary poems of supplications have been written through the art of calligraphy in the 5. International Albaraka Calligraphy Competition. ‘Dua’ in literal meaning is ‘call out, address’. In the beginning of any matter, day and night, good and a dark day, it is at the heart of muslim life.

The person calls to God through supplication. It turns the one to a servant of God.
Holy Qur’an begins with a supplication. In the life of Prophet Muhammed (pbuh), charity, service and reaching the oneness is always with supplication which is the essence of prayer.
This exhibition presents the art form of supplication as the award-winning works of artists from Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Palestian, Indonesia and UAE through instagram stories.


