KETEBE Hat Sanatı, Ünlü Hattatlar, Hat Sanatkârları ve Eserleri
KETEBE Hat Sanatı, Ünlü Hattatlar, Hat Sanatkârları ve Eserleri

Sibek Yahyâ Fettâhî

Death Date H. 0852
M. 1448-1449
Birth Place İran-Nişâbûr
Grave Place İran-Nişabur


About Artist

He was born in Iran's Nishapur. His moniker was "Sibek." Although it is certain that he was one of the most eminent scholars of Mirza Shah Rukh's time and one of the most eminent figures of the Yaqut school, and that he was proficient in ta’liq, no information exists regarding his teachers. He is also a poet, and his works are titled Shabistan-e Khayal and Ta'bir-name. With the aid of the Ottomans, he settled in Amasya during his final days. He died there around H 852 while he was busy teaching science.


no image
Jalal Amasy
The six scripts

Müstakimzâde Süleyman Sâdeddin, Tuhfe-i Hattatin

Lakab-ı mezbûr hadebinden kinayedir ki, Türkî’de elmacık denir. Mirza Şâhruh bin Timur-ı sâhib-zuhûr zamânında fazl u kemâl ve Yâkûtâne hüsn-i hatt u cemâl ile meşhûr bir şâ’ir-i sâhib-dîvân olup te’lîfât-ı edebiyyeden Şebistân-ı Hayâl nâm kitâb-ı müstetâbı bir eser-i ma’murdur. Letâ’if-i Lâmi’î dahi bunların bir eserinin tercemesidir. Ve Ta’bîr-nâme’si dahi vardır. “el-Müfârakat” (852) târihi hudûdunda dâr-ı bekaya râhil ve hayât-ı ebediyyeye vâsıl oldu. Bir gazelinin makta’ı teberrüken bunda îrâd olundu:
Gedây-ı tust Fettâhî-i miskin
Fe-hasbî inde’l-akrân ihtişâmî