Sami Efendi
About Artist
His real name was İsmâ'il Hakkî, and he was born in Istanbul in H. 1253/M. 1837 as the son of the deputy of quilters, Haji Mahmud Efendi. After studying at a primary school, he began to learn Arabic and Persian. However, due to financial difficulties, he joined the Office of Finance in H. 1269/M. 1853 with a salary of 10 kurus. In AH 1272/ AD 1855, he was transferred to the Ministry of Finance's Writing Office.
In AH 1282/ AD 1865, he was appointed to the Imperial Council's Writing Office with the title of "nâme-nüvis". He was given the pen name "Sâmî" here. He was appointed as the teacher of the Dîvân- Hümâyûn Department of various calligraphic scripts in AH 1295/AD 1878, and later as the successor of the Nişân Kalemi (i.e. head scribe). In AH. 1300/ AD. 1883, he was promoted to the rank of mumeyyiz (i.e. examinant).
After the declaration of the constitutional monarchy, Sâmî Efendi, who was sent on leave during the general dismissals, possessed the Osmani rank from the third class and the Majidî from the first class. He also had a silver medal of honor and Greek War medals. In his later years, Sâmî Efendi struggled with various health problems and finally suffered a stroke. He passed away on AH. 16 Rajab 1330/ AD. 1 July 1912. He was buried next to his wife and daughter in the Fatih Mosque cemetery.
Sâmî Efendi had sparse and gray beards; he was of medium height and had a wide body. He was known to be witty, charming, humorous, and a skilled conversationalist who brought elegance to the gatherings he attended. Although he mostly spoke beautifully, it is also mentioned that he sometimes could not resist making frivolous remarks and jokes. However, in his later years, he lost his enthusiasm and joy after the deaths of his wife and then his only daughter.
Celi TalikH. 1319 / M. 1901-1902
Celi SülüsH. 1328 / M. 1910
Celi SülüsH. 1327 / M. 1909-1910
Celi SülüsH. 1318 / M. 1900-1901
Celi SülüsH. 1318 / M. 1900-1901
Celi Divani
Hüsn-i Hat
Hüsn-i HatH. 1309 / M. 1891-1892
Celi SülüsH. 1325 / M. 1907-1908
Celi SülüsH. 1321 / M. 1903-1904
Muhakkak, Nesih, Sülüs
Celi TalikH. 1309 / M. 1891-1892
Celi SülüsH. 1320 / M. 1902-1903
Celi SülüsH. 1325 / M. 1907-1908
Celi SülüsH. 1327 / M. 1909-1910
Celi TalikH. 1330 / M. 1911-1912
Celi TalikH. 1325 / M. 1907-1908
Celi Sülüs
Celi Sülüs
Celi SülüsH. 1314 / M. 1896-1897
Celi Talik
Nesih, SülüsH. 1306 / M. 1888-1889
Celi SülüsH. 1325 / M. 1907-1908
Celi TalikH. 1320 / M. 1902-1903
Celi Talik
Nesih, Sülüs
Celi SülüsH. 1321 / M. 1903-1904
Celi TalikH. 1320 / M. 1902-1903
Celi TalikH. 1324 / M. 1906-1907
Celi TalikH. 1308 / M. 1890-1891
Celi Sülüs
Celi SülüsH. 1321 / M. 1903-1904
Celi SülüsH. 1297 / M. 1879-1880
